> Salvetius
> I'm coming from the southern of germany, europ and need some very special help.
> First I will introduce myself.
> I'm a strategic games player, Star Trek Armada, Dune 2 and Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun are my favourite games.
> I'm a server Kanes 
> I have although made modifikations for Star Trek Armada, and for Tiberian Sun I have often testet the rules.ini script.
> Now I'm on a point where I need professionel help.
> Your help, ladies and gentleman.
> I know that there are not many moders in this times, at least I hope that anyone of you with your special knowledge can help me.
> You are not all modders, I know, but you all know more about Command & conquer and his codecs as anyone that I would know.
> So let me describe my problem, I play, and like the buildmen| of Red Alert 2 and Generals, but at least, they are not Tiberian Sun, they are boring for me, but I want more overview on the game.
> At building, so a buildmen| like Red Alert 2 will be the best and easiest to realize but I don't know where the build menu will be saved, and how I can it change.
> The Configuration should be like that:
> Buildings - Turrets - Infantery - Vehicles - Aircraft - SPECIAL Weapons
> So a further question,
> I have a very big Rules.ini and it is very complicated to
> make changes without this Rules.ini editors, which I can not use.
> It is possible to create special .ini files to save the only types like buildings, infantery, vehicles ect.?
No, you can't add extra INIs, you'll have to use the existing ones.
> I hope for a answer,
> dear
> 2 of omega
Olaf van der Spek

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