Bring back the nox xcc server PLEASE | Wrath of Anor | 22:18 29-09-2004 | | |
I am Wrath of Anor, one of the few remaining powers left in NOX dedicated to its survival. It is the firm belief of me and my associates that EA is debating actively whether or not to close the NOX online servers for good. Even if that does not happen, the servers go down frequently for mostly "unknown" reasons. I have recieved from a 3rd party the patch that enables XCC connection in nox, i was one of the first people to recieve it as a gift from the origional copy. I have told this story and rallied the remaining powers of NOX and we have decided that it is worth utilizing on a regualar basis. I tried to connect to it today and I was unable to connect, so I come to you now, and beg that you bring the server back. If you do this, i promise all the support you ever need on behalf of all of NOX.