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signature competitionwill01:14 22-11-2001

a bit off topic, but what is the best signature out there?

I've been noticing some nice ones on other forums, and
wondered what was most funny?

My vote goes for "walk softly, and carry a megawatt
phaser" but if you have a better one post it here!

Re: signature competitionKoen van de Sande04:09 22-11-20014
    Re: signature competitionbasic116:13 24-11-2001
        Re: signature competitionbasic116:18 24-11-2001
            Re: signature competitionLong_Gone21:33 24-11-2001
Re: signature competitionSlow Poke13:57 22-11-20013
    AH!Slow Poke13:57 22-11-2001
        Re: AH!Gotrek07:26 25-11-2001
Re: signature competitionLong_Gone01:36 23-11-20018
    Re: signature competitionSlow Poke14:09 23-11-2001
        Re: signature competitionLong_Gone17:19 23-11-2001
            Re: signature competitionWill18:49 23-11-2001
                Re: signature competitionLong_Gone05:05 24-11-2001
                    Re: signature competitionGotrek07:24 25-11-2001
                Re: signature competitionSlow Poke14:17 24-11-2001
                    Re: signature competitionGotrek07:23 25-11-2001
Re: signature competitionbasic115:58 24-11-2001

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