Re: I need You help with mod - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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I need You help with modDoc31516:27 09-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modbasic116:03 10-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modViPr18:35 10-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modOlaf van der Spek20:32 11-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modwill20:39 11-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modOlaf van der Spek20:51 11-12-2001
Re: I need You help with modwill21:18 11-12-2001

> > > Unless they use secure p2p encryption, you could for example intercept all packets and create trainers for x-box.

> > p2p is very vunerable because people are going to start chopping up xboxes and the keys are in there...

> Chopping up?

english expression; like you 'chop up' firewood with an axe. I just meant they'd take the cover off etc

> Actually, p2p encrption (SSH2) is probably not sufficient either.

there simply is no way to ensure security if the client is in a 'hostile' environment.

It only takes one team to make a 'cracked' version of a game etc to start distributing it, and then people who aren't as tech savy can do it.

good reading is the ; illustrates that the crackers are always one step ahead of the digital rights management people, even when hardware is envolved

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