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Voxel Normals in RA2NoGood23:50 13-12-2001

Hello all my kick ass fellow Mod'ers,

I have created up to 3 units now, and I have still to create one that when placed next to the Grizzly Tank or MCV looks like it was originally fit into the Red Alert 2 Scheme. THe Units are made well, but I the Normals don't seem to macth up and correspond to lighting the way the original RA2 Units do. I have been using Wills Voxel Editor (The best one! :)) and the AutoNormal Feature. When I use the AutoNormal feature it turns out better then wehen I smooth the NOrmals with the SmoothNormals feature. The AutoNormal feature does add the lighting features, but they don't seem to be on the same level as they are on the original Units. WHen I open an existin RA 2 Unit up and view the normals they are completely different looking. I understand what Normals are, but I don't understand how one can apply them in a way that they fit in the scheme of RA2 without first rendering them in 3dS. If anyone has another utility or a better way of using the current Voxel Editors to achieve a better Normal/Lighting effect please let me know. I've posted here because this is simply *THE* place to ask this question on the net. Hope some of the experts out there help me! :)


Re: Voxel Normals in RA2will23:56 13-12-20013
    Re: Voxel Normals in RA2NoGood23:59 13-12-2001
        Re: Voxel Normals in RA2Koen van de Sande03:07 14-12-2001

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