> > Just wanted to report an error in the normaliser will posted earlier.It gives "Exception EStackOverflow in module NORMALISER1.EXE at 00040F30
> > Stack Overflow."
> > If someone can help pleaze post here or mail me at ivanmad@hotmail.com or(my mod`s e-mail) spaceimperia@abv.bg
> > Thank,you!
> I would anticipate that error if you have a very large voxel and lots of 'outside' empty space.
> Serves me right for using recursion doesn't it?
Recursion always does it ;) no matter how good you make it.
> Am going to fix this right now- expect the fixed version to run much slower! Not that that is a worry
> This will also affect the 'remove redundant voxels' thing too
> Thanks for the feedback