>anyone finding it unexpectedly frustrating and wants to give up?
I had some time this morning and I'm done with the data collection.
I've now started to convert existing WW voxels and this is what I found out :
The normal indexes are indeed distributed according a spherical patern.
This not so good news, because my methode of using a referenceslab to trace back the normals prooves to useless...:(
The RGB values not only change with rotation , but also with their inclination angle.
I'll have to re-think my reference voxel (spherical) or i need to find a way to tilt my slab while being idle.
I've tried a hva, but that only worked when the voxel was moving...
oh no, I'm not beaten yet!
But i'll have to go back to the drawing board...:)
Here's proof of the spherical spatial diagram for the RA2 :