> > > > argh, http://tranexp.com:2000/InterTran
> > > > it's an analysis of my product, but I can't read a word .... it would be much appreciated if someone who speaks dutch could take a quick look at it and tell me which product they like more (it compares two products) ^_^ thanks..
> > > I can't find Dutch text on that site.
> > thats a translation page, did you cut/paste the wrong address?
> Oh haha, I put the wrong page on there.. that was the site I tried translating the page with (didn't work too well :)
> here's the site: http://palmclub.nl/reviews/software/html_editors/
Haven't read all of it... but Torpedo crashed a few times, PHTML does some things better, but PHTML doesn't do META tags.
The person who wrote it personally likes PHTML better because of better file management, it supports more tags, they're done better and you can define your own tags. The only thing he misses is the Taskbar from Torpedo. In his view, the taskbar from Torpedo with the Dropdown menu from PHTML would be the future.
Does any of this make sense?