> African-American holiday
> > > KWANZAA!!
Ah, gotcha!
Why is there an African-American holiday? What's the connection between the two? Or is it celebrated in America by ppl from Africa?
> > Sorry you lost me there...
> > I was with right up to K
> > > > > A happy x-mas, a happy new year, a happy pinkster, a happy sinterklaas :-), a happy sint Maarten, a happy grote vakantie vakantie, a happy birthday, a happy birthday for my mother, father, sister, brother and the rest of my family, and if I forgot one, just let me know ;-)
> > > > Happy Hanukkah? Diwali? Happy bunny? Happy to see you! Happy Families!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!
> > > > (sorry got carried away ;-)