> > > > > > > > Hey Olaf,is it possible for you to implement this feature within the XCC program itself? Say if you right-click on a .vxl file and there is a resize option, where you can resize it's height, length and width? If no it's OK then. I was just wondering...
> > > > > > > It would be possible, but it's better/easier to implement this feature in the VXL Editor (if it's not already supported).
> > > > > > Well the VXL Editor(Voxel Section Editor II) only allows us to resize twice the size of the current voxel size. Now allowing us to resize to the size that we wanted. For example a voxel size is 30x10x10 it will resize it to 60x20x20.
> > > > > Oops....I meant not allowing us to resize to the size that we wanted...
> > > > You're right, the voxel editor only allows resizing by 2x,3x,4x, etc - because of a simple reason: if you resize by these sizes, there is no need to interpolate/merge voxels, as would be needed for resizing by for example 1.5 (the 'between' voxels should somehow be calculated, and this gives bad results unless it's written very well).
> > > Olaf said it would be possible...dunno if he meant 2x,3x,4x resizing though. But if resizing to the size we wanted is possible then it would be kewl, converting a vxl to pcx only allows us to resize the width and length but not height of the vxl...and that would results loss of normals too...
> > What resizing are we talking about exactly?
> > a) Resizing with content resizing (content is changed too)
> > b) Resizing w/o content resizing (only the size of the canvas is changed, content is left intact as long as it still fits).
> > ??
> LOL...we are talking abt resizing with content resizing , what else is important than content resizing ??
Well sorry abt the pathetic respond...the LOL part...