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Real Combat mod betrayed by 2 members who stoleSniper02:55 02-11-2001
Hell and damnation...Phoib23:59 03-11-2001

Marcel, you truly lack anything that come's near the general idea of "a life", do you?
In stead of working on your mod like hell, you post this sort of crap everywhere on the net, and, you as a true advocate to democracy and it's freedom of speech, call for everyone to ban me from the forums and delete messages of me.
Quite pathetic.

In the mean while, True War is going nicely, with a brand new site coming up soon (hosted) and version 0.1 coming soon.
Have fun!

Re: Hell and damnation...Phoib00:06 04-11-2001
Re: Hell and damnation...Sniper01:17 04-11-200119
    Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone01:33 04-11-2001
        Re: Hell and damnation...ReaprZero01:38 04-11-2001
            Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone05:11 04-11-2001
                Re: Hell and damnation...ReaprZero05:48 04-11-2001
        Re: Hell and damnation...Sniper03:00 04-11-2001
            Re: Hell and damnation...ReaprZero05:05 04-11-2001
                Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone05:11 04-11-2001
            Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone05:10 04-11-2001
                Re: Hell and damnation...Phoib05:35 04-11-2001
                    Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone08:01 04-11-2001
                Re: Hell and damnation...ReaprZero05:47 04-11-2001
    Re: Hell and damnation...Phoib05:04 04-11-2001
        Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone05:13 04-11-2001
            Re: Hell and damnation...Phoib05:20 04-11-2001
                Re: Hell and damnation...ReaprZero05:49 04-11-2001
                    Re: Hell and damnation...Phoib05:53 04-11-2001
                        Re: Hell and damnation...Long_Gone08:04 04-11-2001
            Re: Hell and damnation...Godwin21:57 10-11-2001

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