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Dune 2 EMC and ICN formatsOlaf van der Spek23:57 14-02-2002
Re: Dune 2 EMC and ICN formatsfu2man21:12 01-05-2002

Hi Olaf. this completely off the topic, but I need to ask you some questions. As you will know, there is a new trainer out that enables cheating by revealing the map and letting people build outside the tech tree in Yuri's revenge.

I am asking you for help since you are the lead programmer of Matching Filter and XWIF, so you are the best (and last) resort for stopping it.

I have drawn up blanks on how to stop it so far, But perhaps Matching Filter could filter out the cheaters. I'm not even sure if there is any way to detect it on the other persons computer. The way around this would be to have a list of names built into MF or XWIF that stops Quickmatches with those people. This list would also have to be made easily updateable by anybody, and easily updated via a website.

Unfortunately I only have an inkling of how to do this, and I do not know how to stop quickmatches before they start. I am asking, No BEGGING, on behalf of the entire Yuri's revenge community, for your help.

If you could manage to do any of the above we will all be in your debt, and your name shall be forever remembered as the guy who saved Yuri's Revenge.

please help us Olan van der Spek, your my only hope!


Re: Dune 2 EMC and ICN formatsMarauder06:35 02-05-2002
Re: Dune 2 EMC and ICN formatsOlaf van der Spek17:58 02-05-20022
    Re: Dune 2 EMC and ICN formatsSlow Poke10:13 05-05-2002

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