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Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek07:42 21-07-2002

#1.Bug: xcc mixer 1.21 does not recginize XCC Mod Creator or Mod Launcher even though they are in the same directory.

#2.Q: Why don't you optimize Xcc AV Player To use a a more recent version of Direct X than version 2? You need to have more recent versions To Play TS and using the latest function calls ect. (instead of the ones left behind for suppport with older applications)would Increase the performance of the uttility.

#3.Q: Why don't You add support for veiwing hva files?

#4.Q: How about adding staus bar tool tips for menu items?

#5.Q: Why don't you hide Context menu (right click menu) items that don't apply to the curent selection? This Would make that menu a lot more user friendly.

#6.Comment: Thanks for adding support for playing aud files in XCC mixer (perhaps you should advertise this fact more)

#7.Q: How about adding a help file?

#8.Q: Why dont you work on merging some of your utilities? For example merge AV Player, Mix Editor and XCC Mixer. You could have Mixer be the default veiw and when someone double clicks a movie file a new window appears allowing them to play it. all of the other features already seem to be Implemented in Mixer. You could also merge map encoder and map decoder.

#9. Perhaps a mini-utility could be added to Mixer To veiw animated files such as WSA files in animated form rather than frame by frame.

#10.Q: How about having the PAL veiwer not just show us a bunch of number but actualy show us what the colors look like?

#11. What on earth does "CCreat SFL" stand for?

#12. BUG: XCC Mixer 1.21 Does not do anything When you select 'DirectX Options' from the file menu.

#13. BUG: XCC Mixer does not detect C&C:TD Gold's EXE file.(but it does detect all the mix files and adds them to the found sub menu)

Thanks for your time.

Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek20:26 21-07-200215
    Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek02:05 22-07-2002
        Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek13:43 22-07-2002
            Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek03:41 23-07-2002
                Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek05:38 23-07-2002
            Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek03:49 23-07-2002
                Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek03:50 23-07-2002
            Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesHyperjag302:53 24-07-2002
                Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek03:37 24-07-2002
    Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesTacvek02:22 22-07-2002
        Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek13:43 22-07-2002
            Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesViPr18:36 22-07-2002
                Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek23:56 22-07-2002
                    Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesViPr01:42 23-07-2002
                        Re: Questions, bugs, ect. for xcc utilitiesOlaf van der Spek02:00 23-07-2002

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