Problem with XWIF and Matching Filter | MerlinSt | 18:49 21-07-2002 | | |
I m using XWIF or Matchingfilter in all games ( fun, clan and tournement) to
detect cheater and to customize my screenshots in the game Yuris Revenge.
Since this week i could not play with MF or XWIF. If i start want to do
something online in the game ( going to Lobby or change my userprofile) it
appears the message "serverlist ....". This Message keep staying on the
screen for long time, perhaps for ever or since i press the CANCEL button.
Do u have tips for me? I think this is a problem, which is independant on
user or operating system. My m8s have the same problem.
I mail to you, cause i think WW isnt able to fix the problem in short time.