> > 1) Why do you think he is confusing it with xcc mixer?
> > 2) Because XP tries to use the long filename format in its command prompt, however, this is just to list the files, if you type in "xcc mix clt.exe", it will say "xcc is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
> > However, if you use the 8.3 format it works perfectly.
> > The dos in XP thinks that "mix" and "clt" are arguments.
> > The reasson this is only for XP, is because Win95\98\nt\2k\me use the 8.3 file format for listing files and executing. therefore "xcc mix clt.exe" would be xcc~1.exe or in some cases xcc_mix~1.exe however, xp will attempt to use the 8.3 when it is listing the file like if you type "cd\documents and setting\Owner\" xp will say "c:\docume~1\owner\" 98\me\2k\nt would list it as "c:\documents and settings\onwer" ...its really confusing to explain. If I could get a screen shot to you it would be easier to explain,but i dont have access to my 98\me computer...
> I use XP and the command prompt is quite happy to say c:\documents and settings\owner. I can type in
> cd documents and settings\owner
> and it works fine. As I recall, Win 98 was unable to understand this, and would have required cd "documents and settings"\owner so I think you must have gotten your OS's confused.
No he did not get his OSs Confused while XP accepts 'cd documents and settings\owner' it gets confused if you type in 'xcc mix clt' it does not know if you mean to run 'xcc.exe' with the paramaters 'mix' and 'clt', if you want to run 'xcc mix.exe' with parameter 'clt', or if you want to run 'xcc mix clt.exe' so it just assumes you want the first possiblility.