voxel too large for RA2? | haydn | 17:58 28-07-2002 | | |
Hi everyone,
Some old-timers may remember that I made a model of a star-destroyer for the Imperial Seige Mod. In testing, we've found that RA2 appears to have a size limit for dispolaying voxels -see pic: -(the lower model is cut&paste how it should look):
Just so that you know. Credits::rolleyes:
The original idea of making large voxels by combining smaller sections was mine:rolleyes:
I made the sections in Will's first editor as it was the only normalising editor at that time (1 yr ago). The voxels were then assembled into one voxel (multi-section) using DMZ's VxlUtil by Strategic Commander:)
I then used DMZ's HVA Editor to lay them out to appear as one big voxel:cool:
Since then, I re-normalised the voxel using Will's auto-normalising code and Flyby's RA2 normals.
The testing is carried out by Rex Wysong:cool: