Directed to Olef or anyone else that has the power - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Directed to Olef or anyone else that has the powerNighthawK10:06 13-08-2002

Hey.. I was wondering why you didn't make a nt/2000/xp version. There are alot of us out there that can't use most of your programs, including the mixer.

We would really appreceate if you could help us out in any way and release a NT compatable version.. thanks alot! :D

Olef do you have ICQ, AIM, or MSN?

Re: Directed to Olef or anyone else that has the powerOlaf van der Spek18:24 13-08-20023
    Re: Directed to Olef or anyone else that has the powerNighthawK02:15 17-08-2002
        Re: Directed to Olef or anyone else that has the powerOlaf van der Spek02:19 18-08-2002

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