Re: problem w/compacted .mix file... - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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problem w/compacted .mix file...mortishroom07:38 16-08-2002
Re: problem w/compacted .mix file...Olaf van der Spek17:49 16-08-2002

> hey,
> I am playing with your xcc mix editor; it is nice, but i have problem. I load the ts key, put all ov my .vxl's and .hva's in a new file named ecache66,

I think HVAs and VXLs should go into expand##.mix.

> set encryption and compact it. I then make a new file called expand66, put my 3 .ini files(rules, art, ai) in the ecache66 file, then set encryption and compact it. I then drop it into my tib sun directory and start the applacation. When i start a skirmish game, my new tanks are there, but are invisible.

> When I extract the local.mix file, put the vxl's and the hva's into it, compact it, and drop it into the tib sun directory with 'loose' .ini files it works fine.

> Any help would be apreciated..
> thanks

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