> > > > > Would anyone be willing to give me their serial number for YR, via email? I want to play the game over my LAN, but of course each PC needs a different serial number during installation, or they won't play together :(
> > > > I agree with you there. Westwood made a fault and there is no reason to buy an extra cd. But I think you should try asking any person who had their serial banned or something, I think there are few and they won't mind as they can't play online anyway.
> > > Actually, there is a reason. You can't play without CD and YR comes with only one CD.
> > Naah I meant from the "customers'" perspective ;)
> Very true. In the past games used to support multiplayer spawning where you could play without CD. I usually copy the CD when I want to plat multiplayer.
That's exactly what I've done, but I still need a second serial number or it doesn't work! :(