Re: Extending the Patch to YR - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Red Alert 2 User PatchOlaf van der Spek03:53 28-09-2002
Extending the Patch to YRProkopis20:14 30-09-2002
Re: Extending the Patch to YROlaf van der Spek22:21 01-10-2002

> You already have answered that you wouldn't make this patch's YR counterpart. I'd just like to know if it's time constraints or natural (the game's) ones that keep you from trying it. Or maybe this is just enough, I don't know :).

It's just because I don't like/play YR myself.

> Anyway, I'd also like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the forums (I am in no position to be representing them, this is just me), as I believe you would be a valuable source of information just as you where back at the old WW RA2/YR forums. I am sure that the great majority would welcome you there. Even if you don't have enough time in yoour hands to be posting frequently, I believe that your input there could only be helpfull.

I can't watch too many forums.

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