> haha, and they denied it
> silly westwood..
> but the game looked awesome :) it sounds JUST like CnC, it's great.
Havn't seen it but I would hope that it is of the quality that made WW a class game company in the beginning, not the class it was when it published TS.
Still anything in the CnC universe should look good.
> > > > > > why does it look like crap now? :(
> > > > > > I saw it played, it looked great
> > > > > I saw a screen shot and that looked ok. 'spose screen shots can be fudged, but.... I am interested to hear your answer.
> > > > WW.. fudge screenshots? never
> > > > :-D
> > > Yes, they did.
> > it was a sarcastic comment....
But it is very easy to do. All you need is a basic graphics app and a little time and you can turn a picasso into a picture of the original scene or vice versa. :(
The only way to be certain is to actually see the game yourself. run as a game not as a video demo.