> Olaf, you need to make a guide for this. Feel free to use this post if your not a perfectionist.
> 1. After playing the cheater, be sure to take a screenshot of the screen you get after the match is over, where it says kills/losses/score. Screenshots of presisdents or pres IFV's while shooting are good too. Try to take such a screenshot while your enemy is chatting. Take a screenshot by pressing Ctrl+C, and I think it's Shift+C for YR.
> 2. Right After the cheated match, exit the game and save mpstats.txt which is in your RA2 or YR directory. Be sure to do this immediately, as this file gets updated every time you play online.
> 3. If you're using the XCC Game Spy, save the replay also. It will be in the same directory as the Game Spy.
The replay with be in the replays subdir of the RA2 dir.
> 4. Take this collection of screenshots, mpstats.txt, a replay (if you have one), and a description of the battle, and mail it to Olaf: XCC@XCC.TMFWeb.NL