DDoS attacks | derf | 13:26 20-01-2003 | | |
Re: DDoS attacks | Olaf van der Spek | 17:25 20-01-2003 | | |
> simply put when i create a online game whether qm or not i get instant flooding from zombies by the dozen.This happens even if i abort the game and log out im still flooded for about a minute.this only happens with game creation.
Did you try to use the Euro or Pacific server?
> it hasnt stopped me from doing anything just wondering if u have any idea as to the source of server zombies or server outbound instuctions for zombies.some how westwoods servers have been compromised as this is instant.ICMP, SYN, PING echo responses are the most common floods.about 500 per minute comes close to plugging my pipe....probably a good thing theyre not max pings.any insight or method of operation of these zombies as well as the server side of out bound insrtuctions would be greatly appreciated.some hack really dont like me but im really just a good player that dont cheat or even use a filter...again thx for any effort...
Good players should use a filter :)