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About MF..drag020:33 03-04-2003
Re: About MF..Olaf van der Spek12:33 04-04-2003

> It bothers me that there's not everything explained at matching filter guide, for example, what means filtering stealth? And what about filtering XCL community ladder? I'm sure they have a simple meaning, but I cannot be sure of them since it doesn't say anywhere (or I'm blind).

XCL was recently added and uses the XCC Community Ladder stats instead of the offical ladder stats.

Stealth means the filter won't send out messages to other players.

> Another thing, there is that filter for tournament, it's a nice option, but how come there is not an option to not use it at all? I often want to see if theres for example a clan game available, and I wouldn't like always to go to windows and change the filtering to clan game, and then switch again to windows and change it back.

Type /ftc to switch to clan filter. Type /ftp to switch to player filter.

> I do want to also mention that I really like this thingie, so that my post doesn't sound too negative. Their just some thoughts where it could be improved. :)

Olaf van der Spek

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