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Half done patch ready for testingmeselfs04:40 07-04-2003
Re: Half done patch ready for testingOlaf van der Spek15:15 07-04-2003

> OK Olaf--

> It's not 100% ready and does not install itself yet, but i think it's ready for testing now. Evaluate it and tell me what you think... I've designed it specifically for balance, so that all strategies are possible, including rushing, which is easier because of more refund from sold refinery, average longs games will be more inteesting, and France is more practical due to veteran mirage tanks. Pretty much all the rules modding is complete, there are a ew things I may add. Also, i think all countries are now more equal, so that America and Iraq won't be all you see...

I haven't had time to test it yet.

> Also, I'm considering that maybe a self-installing patch may not be a very good plan. What if instead MF would load the files the same way XCC mod launcher does? I think that would be better.

Might be better if every players really likes the patch.

> Is there any way that MF could incorporate the map encoder/decoder into RA2? Also, could MF allow quick matching with some of the newer official maps, such as New Heights or Brink of Disaster (I will later include some of these in the patch)? This is why I initially wanted an EXE patch...

What would the map encoder/decoder do?
Yes, MF can change maps used for QM.

> Anyway... go through it and tell me what you think.

> One more thing-- if there's anyone other than Olaf willing to evaluate this, feel free to do so and post here.

> The patch is available at


> A wierd thing about these freewebs servers is that they don't seem to work with GetRight, just so you know.

If you click on the link it doesn't work either. You have to copy/paste it.

Olaf van der Spek

XCC Home Page

Re: Half done patch ready for testingmeselfs19:27 07-04-20036
    Re: Half done patch ready for testingOlaf van der Spek10:59 08-04-2003
        Re: Half done patch ready for testingmeselfs17:47 08-04-2003
            Re: Half done patch ready for testingmeselfs03:07 10-04-2003
                Re: Half done patch ready for testingOlaf van der Spek16:43 10-04-2003
                    Re: Half done patch ready for testingmeselfs17:13 10-04-2003

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