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screenshotsr1zla03:34 09-04-2003
Re: screenshotsOlaf van der Spek11:38 09-04-2003

> i upgraded to mf 1.07, played 1 game there on canyon fodder against awcmarine this is what i see after a minute

> ive never seen this before but it looks like a maphack to me, i quit on 2 mins and got the loss on the xcl ladder

> anyway i took these screenshots plus one of his base once i quit, but, MF hasnt saved them to the images dir in my ra2 dir, only these 2 were saved as .pcx in the ra2 dir.

> so my questions are...
> why didnt mf save them to the images dir?

It does that when you leave the score screen.

> is this stretch posible without a maphack? i dont want to get the points back.

Without seeing the ss of his base or the replay, I think it's possible. He could've build multiple barracks.

> if its a hack then the guy should be blacklisted.

Olaf van der Spek

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