> > > > > Why is it down, and is it comin back, when?
> > > > Of the list of reasons the ISP have given for suspending the site - it appears we have exceeded our bandwidth quote. I will confirm this with our admin as soon as I get in contact. But rest assured we will get the site back up asap.
> > > Ok thans Don
> > Ok I have now spoken to our admin and after some investigations it turns out we have been brought down by a malicious flooding attack from a distrubutor of cheat programmes. Our admin is in the process of increasing the site security to prevent this happening again and conveying this information to the ISP so we can get the site back online asap.
> I had a feeling it was this at first, probably those cheaters Donutman and Reece at GX.
Oh well, just make sure it can't happen again. Thanks again for the update.
Just one question, do u have any idea when it's going to be back? I miss the site very much and i've got some cheat reports ready to post 