Re: om3rta site - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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om3rta siteDiAbLo16:18 03-05-2003
Re: om3rta siteJonisb4ck17:04 08-05-2003
Re: om3rta siteDonCarlo13:49 09-05-2003

> > Why is it down, and is it comin back, when?

> Down cause of donutman hacked it. When back up dunno.

Hi all
I havnt hard from our admin for a few days - I will do my best to get some info today an get an update. I also woul like the site back up asap as his is holing up a lot of things.
Also can I ask all of you to concentrate on XCL, and our community an avoid getting into the fights with the ppl responsible for this as it is counter-productive.

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