> > > > why we have xcl when i dont get points back don.
> > > > please explain to me.
> > > If you remember she said that you will only get your points back if you get prez cheated and lose the points, not for a reconn error. Sux i know ![:(](/forum/frown.gif)
> > so if i lose 20 games to a reconner that i wonn [only becuase he cheated you get this most off the time] you will be playing 20 games for nothing.[is this wricht]thats not what they promist when xcl started.
> > but if thats so we have to live whit it.
> >
> You can't lose to a reconner.
about recconers when ladder was down i got recconed and i got the points lol but lets get 2 the point if some one gives up a recconer he is doing something for his fellow playmates thats how i see it