> Just a few weeks ago I downloaded a file called minira wich a smaller version of red alert wich only allows you to play in skirmish mode, unfortunately I downloaded this on my mums computer. I loved it so much that I wanted to move it to my comuter (the crapy aptiva s series.) I could get all of the files over to my computer except for a mix file called "REDALERT" wich the game needs, This mix file is almost 5 megs. I have managed compress it to 2.4 megs but not any further. So I was wondering if there is a program the can compress it to the point of putting it on to a floppy. If you want to E mail me this is my e mail address celg@dodo.com.au
> please help
> Thank you
You can simply use Winzip to put the file on any number of floppies.