"the BEST product I've ever used, I've donated him hundreds of dollars for it it's so good, I'd give up my car if it meant not losing this program. DEFINATELY go buy it NOW, actually, buy twenty, it's so good!!!"
- Rough translation from PalmClub web site
> > > argh, http://tranexp.com:2000/InterTran
> > > it's an analysis of my product, but I can't read a word .... it would be much appreciated if someone who speaks dutch could take a quick look at it and tell me which product they like more (it compares two products) ^_^ thanks..
> > think it's *possible* I might get a two or three sentence excerpt from that page so I can put it in my tesitmonials section on my site? :) ^_^ that'd be great..
> you could just make it up... :-)