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try to email but your account is fulldescarte817:13 19-08-2003


Thought this guy was doin a little to well

His engineers are on capture straight away from leaving baracks without him scouting and so on

take a look for your self

can i have my 40 points back please, with all the good people bailing and ponly able to get games against n00bs (which cheat) im finding it hard to get these points (and im crap)

GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date
25518 descstalk L -40 awardonky W +50 10:01 South Pacific 09:45 19-08 38 0 1

descstalk killed bought left captured
units 20 41 0
buildings 5 25 0 3
infantry 28 86 0
planes 0 7 0
awardonky killed bought left captured
units 34 36 14
buildings 17 19 18 3
infantry 80 66 34
planes 0 4 0

Strike Team.Net 09:50 19-08-2003



I would include screen shots and game play but cant

cant you take my word for it coz i cant play till i get my points back and i have no other life !!!! ;-)

Re: try to email but your account is fullDonCarlo17:14 19-08-20032
    Re: try to email but your account is fulldescarte817:17 19-08-2003
Re: try to email but your account is fullDonCarlo17:49 19-08-2003

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