> the 1:30 bail rule (90 seconds) is killing ra2 ... the original rule is 3 minutes and it was made that for a reason ... by changing this rule you're killing the game, i kno many ppl who do not play because this rule, it kills the game and makes the game less fun ... the 90 second rule allows more rushes that eliminate long good games, and allow more 2-4 minute games which aren't what the game is made for ... also it allows engi rushes and cheap things such as killing engineers on maps where there are techs ... the rule needs to be put back to 3 minutes or ra2 will die much quicker than necessary ...
No, I'll tell you what's cheap... bailing after you lose fair and square
. The ONLY reason why there needs to be a chance to quit, is because some games lag to much for some people. It was never meant to make the game unbalanced. If you don't scout well, and let an engineer into your base, you deserve to lose many pts, because you obviously have no skill
. Every rush in the game is stoppable, so they should all be legitimate and not cheap. I'll bet you are a n00b who bails to avoid loses somewhere between 1:30 and 3:00. BAILING IS NOT A DEFENSE VS RUSH!