Re: CHEATER=onminhard - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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CHEATER=onminhardadeadsov11:55 22-08-2003
Re: CHEATER=onminhardadeadsov12:02 22-08-2003
Re: CHEATER=onminhardDonCarlo12:59 22-08-2003

> > i have proof, i will post it tomorrow, i recorded it and i have ss. but know one please play him. please. i have proof with ss and videos of it!!

> sorry i forgot to say he map hacks.... and how do i post a video and all that, and where? sorry i am new at this cheat report.

post in the Cheat reports section

XWIS Cheat Reports & Information

Re: CHEATER=onminhardadeadsov13:06 22-08-20032
    Re: CHEATER=onminhardadeadsov13:07 22-08-2003

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