> > > > > ok can you tell me if this one works?
> > > > > it's at
> > > > > http://www.planetcnc.com
> > > > > as always.
> > > > are you finding that it's not downloadable? is that why nobody is telling me if the program works?
> > > ok i know somebody is downloading it coz i see the download numbers going up. stop hiding! just somebody tell me if the viewer runs. just one person at least!!
> > > btw i know my website is absolute shit. that's not my fault. that's the fault of other people. just now i spent about 10 minutes trying to put a space in the html source. no not to make a space on the webpage; a space in the source just to make the source look neater. it kept making a new line instead of a space. yes i know that's pathetic. so don't expect my website to work when the Ms Word editor can't even do something as simple as that. btw i think if anyone took their webpage and opened it in MS Word and changed one little word and saved the page with MS Word again your webpage wouldn't work anymore.
> > Don't use WYSIWYG editors when you're concerned about the source.
> what on earth is WYSIWYG!?
what you see is what you get, it's the term for programs made to edit stuff that could be edited in simpler ways in notepad or something, for example, steve's sun edit2k, koen's tibed, those web editing programs like frontpage and dreamweaver
> anyway i think all these editors and browsers are just crap. i've been looking at several websites in netscape communicator now coz my dad broke internet explorer on this crap computer and the sites just look crap and i know they looked ok in internet explorer. on my own site one section had underlines missing in internet explorer that worked in netscape communicator and had invisible text in communicator that worked fine in internet explorer. the whole html situation is a big crappy mess in my opinion and nobody should bother much with making webpages.