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XCCMC: Theatre problemArgCmdr18:00 13-06-2004

On one of my projects, im changing three of the theatres. However, I cant get past the exe output in XCC Mod Creator. The files total more than 1000 for the first theatre, and they work if placed on expandmds. However, when i try place those in XCCMC, either they dont work, or XCCMC crashes.

For example; if i place the mix files as they are where .mixs go in XCCMC, they arent read. If i place the files inside them where they should go, (TMPs on tmp section, SHPs on shp section, iso***.pal on various places, since its unclear where itd go), XCCML just crashes.

So my questions are two; one is if the .mix section actually works for any content mix files may have, or if its specific for some. The other one is; in which section would a new isolun.pal (ie) file go?.

If theres no possibility of fixing this, then i can always compile theatre extra data into a single Expandmd, and theoretically itd still work, but imagine that three full new theatres with no compression at all will generate a ginormous filesize -that added to the full soundtrack already top 100 MBs-.

(Running 1.12 on XP Pro, if you wonder)

Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemmeselfs20:51 13-06-20045
    Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemArgCmdr21:55 13-06-2004
        Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek08:51 14-06-2004
        Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek16:38 16-06-2004
            Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemArgCmdr22:20 16-06-2004
Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek08:52 14-06-20047
    Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemArgCmdr09:20 14-06-2004
        Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek09:42 14-06-2004
            Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemArgCmdr23:06 14-06-2004
                Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek23:08 14-06-2004
    Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemmeselfs02:09 15-06-2004
        Re: XCCMC: Theatre problemOlaf van der Spek10:54 15-06-2004

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