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AutonormalsGodwin20:25 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsViPr21:12 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsGodwin21:35 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsPhoib06:05 12-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsGodwin18:20 21-11-2001
Re: Autonormalsflyby23:17 21-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsViPr02:58 22-11-2001

> > well...
> > i dont know the technical stuff, i just copied the normals from strat comm's vxls, which are perfect, but first u must know the concept that there are different 'shades' for different angles, as seen here:

> > then u figure out the rest

> :D
> Yep this is indeed the same model i'm basing my research on, godwin. I've filled in about 50% of the normal indexes so far.
> There is one flaw in that model, you/we only have 26 normals to place on that.
> But I agree with you that this is the basic normals layout model to start with.

> here are some index numbers :

> back plane : 20
> top plane : 17
> front plane : 2
> left plane : 9
> right plane : 32
> bottom plane : 12 (obtained from deduction)
> etc...

> In addition, it seems that for some edges there is an inbetween value. Either an edge definiton normal or it could also be an intermediate angle of 22.5°.

> I'm not through with it yet. It is getting harder to find voxels that can provide me with more information then I have now...

I could be wrong about this, i wish i had the game now so i could test it again instead of making mistaken recollections but please just consider what i'm saying for one moment. in my opinion, that faces pic should be a sphere with 6 faces in each longtitude and 6 faces in each latitude. make a square test slab voxel that is 6x6 to test my theory.

Re: Autonormalsflyby06:09 22-11-2001

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