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AutonormalsGodwin20:25 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsViPr21:12 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsGodwin21:35 10-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsPhoib06:05 12-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsGodwin18:20 21-11-2001
Re: Autonormalsflyby23:17 21-11-2001

> well...
> i dont know the technical stuff, i just copied the normals from strat comm's vxls, which are perfect, but first u must know the concept that there are different 'shades' for different angles, as seen here:

> then u figure out the rest

Yep this is indeed the same model i'm basing my research on, godwin. I've filled in about 50% of the normal indexes so far.
There is one flaw in that model, you/we only have 26 normals to place on that.
But I agree with you that this is the basic normals layout model to start with.

here are some index numbers :

back plane : 20
top plane : 17
front plane : 2
left plane : 9
right plane : 32
bottom plane : 12 (obtained from deduction)

In addition, it seems that for some edges there is an inbetween value. Either an edge definiton normal or it could also be an intermediate angle of 22.5°.

I'm not through with it yet. It is getting harder to find voxels that can provide me with more information then I have now...

Re: Autonormalswill23:30 21-11-200113
    Re: AutonormalsKoen van de Sande04:07 22-11-2001
        Re: Autonormalsflyby06:28 22-11-2001
            Re: AutonormalsGodwin12:40 22-11-2001
        Re: Autonormalswill23:21 22-11-2001
            Re: AutonormalsKoen van de Sande02:09 23-11-2001
                Re: AutonormalsWill18:47 23-11-2001
                    Re: AutonormalsGodwin19:02 23-11-2001
                    Re: AutonormalsWill19:38 23-11-2001
                        Re: Autonormalsflyby00:07 24-11-2001
                    Re: AutonormalsKoen van de Sande20:27 23-11-2001
                        Re: AutonormalsWill21:51 23-11-2001
                            Re: AutonormalsKoen van de Sande01:43 24-11-2001
Re: AutonormalsViPr02:58 22-11-20012
    Re: Autonormalsflyby06:09 22-11-2001

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