Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK? - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande04:08 24-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr04:52 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande07:16 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr07:49 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:15 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will20:25 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr21:21 26-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will22:59 26-11-2001

> > As we only have basic facings instead of polygons to work with, the RA2 normals have more detail than we can use, so we don't need to tackle them.

> well since i think TS normals format has only 6 o'clock directions and you are assuming 8 then you are going to get some indexes repeated. besides, with more possible angles in the ra2 format, the angles available are closer to the ones you want.

We can provide a TS normals lookup and an RA2 normals lookup file. Easy that. But I think that, for now, TS is the easiest to find.

Looking for the right RA2 normals is more difficult because there are more possible choices. For TS normals, it is often obvious which corresponds clearly to a certain facing.

Besides, isn't 3x3x3 = 36 significant to TS normals?

Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Olaf van der Spek00:15 27-11-20013
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will00:35 27-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande03:22 27-11-2001

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