Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK? - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande04:08 24-11-2001

I'm working on an auto-normals routine (and so is Will, but he's working on a different one).
Are these normals good/bad/ok? Note that the yellow lines on those Grizzly's base and their barrel was made by me :)

Let's try HTML (won't work probably):
<img src="">

Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande04:09 24-11-200114
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Muk04:23 24-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande04:41 24-11-2001
            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Godwin13:16 24-11-2001
                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?basic116:54 24-11-2001
                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:04 24-11-2001
                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Godwin01:45 25-11-2001
                        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande03:15 25-11-2001
                            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?raminator03:53 25-11-2001
                                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande07:13 25-11-2001
                                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Godwin16:48 25-11-2001
                                        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?raminator23:35 26-11-2001
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Blade14:51 25-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:39 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?flyby06:28 24-11-20016
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:03 24-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Olaf van der Spek20:05 24-11-2001
            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande22:12 24-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?flyby01:20 25-11-2001
            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande03:11 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Slow Poke14:09 24-11-20012
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:04 24-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Will21:45 24-11-20014
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande22:14 24-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Will22:31 24-11-2001
            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande22:41 24-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr04:52 25-11-200120
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande07:16 25-11-2001
        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr07:49 25-11-2001
            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande17:15 25-11-2001
                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will20:25 25-11-2001
                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande21:02 25-11-2001
                        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?haydn21:19 25-11-2001
                            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande22:57 25-11-2001
                                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?haydn04:16 26-11-2001
                        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will01:20 26-11-2001
                            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande02:51 26-11-2001
                            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande02:53 26-11-2001
                                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will19:13 26-11-2001
                                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande23:07 26-11-2001
                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?ViPr21:21 26-11-2001
                        Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will22:59 26-11-2001
                            Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Olaf van der Spek00:15 27-11-2001
                                Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?will00:35 27-11-2001
                                    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande03:22 27-11-2001
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?flyby20:03 25-11-2001
Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Douwe Kasemier01:52 26-11-20012
    Re: Auto-Normals screenshot - Is this OK?Koen van de Sande02:52 26-11-2001

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