> If you are curious, it is because for each voxel we determine if there is if there is empty, outside space on each of it's six faces. We use bit-flags to store this info, hence 6 bits = an integer range of 0..63.
> Then, if there is an ambiguous facing (e.g. both left and right) only one of these facings is chosen.
> Fortunately, as you see in my latest version that uses your settings, we will try to keep this numbering scheme out of view of the user in future!
Don't you need more then 6 faces to track down the spatial properties of a given voxel?
As I understand it, to have the exact location
(and connected to that , its normal index) you have to track all neighboring voxels. It comes down to a cubic grid of 3x3x3, with the researched voxel in the center, leaving 26 possibilities.
But I'm sure you can reduce the number of checks with some clever elimination...
But then again, I might be wrong on this as I’m not a very gifted programmer... :)