> Koen ,
> Can you tell me why you choose to have 64 facings?
This is purely internal to the algorithm used in the tool for working out facings, and doesn't need to be seen by the end user (when the tool is finished).
63 or 64, depending on if you count from zero.
Not all the numbers between 0 and 63 are used.
If you are curious, it is because for each voxel we determine if there is if there is empty, outside space on each of it's six faces. We use bit-flags to store this info, hence 6 bits = an integer range of 0..63.
Then, if there is an ambiguous facing (e.g. both left and right) only one of these facings is chosen.
Fortunately, as you see in my latest version that uses your settings, we will try to keep this numbering scheme out of view of the user in future!
http://abscnc.sourceforge.net/will/wwtools/normaliser1.1.zip for the latest version of my auto-normaliser, which I hope will be cut-and-paste'able for Koen's tools :)