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Hall of fameEd20920:00 16-12-2001
Re: Hall of fameEd20920:02 16-12-2001
Re: Hall of fameWill20:20 16-12-2001
Re: Hall of fameDoc31501:58 19-12-2001
Re: Hall of fameflyby06:03 19-12-2001

> im preatty sure it was more like giv eit to us now or we will sue
Do you have any more substantial evidence for this wild idea?

Sofar I haven't seen any negative comment, comming from Matze regarding Westwood. And because you can't sue someone for his negative attitude there has to be another reason to keep his mouth shut.
If Matze keeps certain secrets about the FA2 project, then it is because he has interests to protect.
They probably had him sign a NDA (non discloser agreement) -with a certain financial compensation - to keep develoment secrets of RA2 protected...

At least , that's how it usually goes in the game business.

Anyway, you should ask Matze, but i doubt he'll answer you.
All the rest is pure speculation.:)

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