Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READ - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READKirov22:43 20-12-2001

1. Is it possible to create new Super Weapons?
2. If so, How?
3. How to add Ships in Ts?(all other CnC games have them)
4. Is it possible to add RA1 Buildings?
5. (see my last topic) If I create new sides(it worked) why does the game cxrash when I see the opponent?(on RadarMap)
6. Once the ICBM worked but not now is that because it shoots his ICBM missile I downloaded from ?
7. Is it possible to shoot missile that go straight?(like the v2 in RA1)

Well that are some Q's.If you answer please note the Q's number. Thank you

Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READReaprZero12:52 21-12-20017
    Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READGotrek07:21 22-12-2001
        Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READReaprZero14:41 22-12-2001
        Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READPhoib23:07 22-12-2001
            Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READReaprZero02:14 23-12-2001
                Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READSlow Poke03:12 23-12-2001
                    Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READReaprZero09:33 23-12-2001
Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READPyramide06:52 22-12-20015
    Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READMuk10:14 23-12-2001
        Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READKirov02:38 24-12-2001
            Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READBanshee07:28 04-02-2002
            Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READStrategic Commander05:07 05-02-2002
Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READKirov23:49 22-12-20012
    Re: Alot of Q's about TS. PLEASE READGotrek07:34 23-12-2001

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