Problems with XWIF - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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XCC WOL IRC Filter 1.08Olaf van der Spek01:35 28-12-2001
Problems with XWIFXp0si0n08:00 29-12-2001

OS: Windows 2000

Problems: XWIF doesn't do anything after I click on "Login" on YR. I alt-tab, screen is blank (all white). If I do it quick enough only my username comes up on the left side. Status never displayed anything. I get the "Connecting" screen in YR but I never log on.

Error Messages: None, simply "Not responding" comes up in task manager.

Steps taken so far: Disabled firewall. Checked, double checked the hosts file. It's in c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc. Lines displayed in the file are "" and "" Deleted hosts file. Rebooted and tried again. Tried RA2, Same problem occurs. Never had problems with the other XWIFs.

Re: Problems with XWIFXp0si0n08:02 29-12-2001
Re: Problems with XWIFMatthew J13:59 29-12-20012
    Re: Problems with XWIFXp0si0n22:09 29-12-2001
Re: Problems with XWIFOlaf van der Spek20:22 01-01-2002

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