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HELP!!bonesnapper00:11 07-02-2002

Can anyone give me some help with the vxlutil program? i used it to combine voxels into a multisection voxel, but when i try to animate it in the hva editor, it won't do anything, i can't even reposition the different sections around on the screen, they just stay where they are. Anyone know why this is? and how to get round it?

Re: HELP!!Muk03:23 07-02-200210
    Re: HELP!!bonesnapper06:47 07-02-2002
        Re: HELP!!haydn07:52 07-02-2002
            Re: HELP!!bonesnapper22:16 10-02-2002
                Re: HELP!!Blade22:31 10-02-2002
                    Re: HELP!!Olaf van der Spek23:19 10-02-2002
                        Re: HELP!!Godwin19:45 11-02-2002
                            Re: HELP!!Blade04:04 12-02-2002
                    Re: HELP!!bonesnapper00:26 11-02-2002
                        Re: HELP!!Blade04:06 12-02-2002

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