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Windows version of 3ds2vxlViPr18:59 07-03-2002
Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlflyby22:47 07-03-2002
Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlwill23:24 07-03-2002
Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlViPr00:44 08-03-2002

> > > anyway now i'm motivated more that ever to convert my
> > program to windows.

> > that's a good thing... :)

> > >
> > forget about 3d acceleration for now; we got only a
> > geforce2 mx so i can't do 3d acceleration yet.

> > Pardon my french?

> consider yourself pardoned ;-)

> > I can perfectly play RTCW on my 600mhz home system that
> > is running on an old TNT2 card, and you complain about a
> > card that is 2 or 3 times faster?
> > Agreed you wont get 180 fps as you can with the latested
> > batch of cards, but a GF2mx should do nicely...

ok i didn't mean the speed, i meant the features. older graphic cards are just not able to do the effects my software renderer can.

> My french:
> If you use DirectX for rendering, then whether you have a 3D
> card or not is immaterial because the purpose of DirectX and
> OpenGL etc is to abstract between a software and a hardware
> renderer.

if i do program 3d acceleration i want it to be OpenGL coz i think microsoft may be up to monkey business and i want to be as ready as possible to switch operating systems.

> But bigger isn't always better. I have half a feeling vi_pr
> that you're actually boasting about the system you have..?


> > btw, I find it odd that you speak in the multiple form
> > "we" ? You have a time sharing on the system or are you
> > a member of the Royal Family? ;-)

> maybe he doesn't have his *own* computer, but shares with
> other family members?

yah it's for the family. my 2 sisters like to check their email and chat on msn messenger and download music with kazaa all day long. my mum likes to check her email. she gets like 10 porn junk emails per day and sometimes she gathers the whole family around the computer and opens them to show us and we all laugh and are jolly. fun for the whole family. i like to play quake3 all day with the sound way up. thankfully my dad doesn't know how to use computers.

Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlCurator06:09 08-03-20028
    Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlGodwin20:07 08-03-2002
        Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlAlon02:25 09-03-2002
            Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlWill02:31 09-03-2002
                Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlAlon04:01 09-03-2002
                    Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlGotrek08:04 09-03-2002
                        Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlGodwin17:46 09-03-2002
                            Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlReaprZero13:31 10-03-2002
Re: Windows version of 3ds2vxlReaprZero13:29 10-03-2002

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