Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the mod - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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OK,now lets slowly start doing the modShep23:30 30-04-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modSlow Poke01:21 01-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modShep22:09 02-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modSlow Poke10:06 05-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modShep18:49 05-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modGodwin23:42 05-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modShep02:40 06-05-2002
Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modVlad0608:37 08-05-2002

I think what Godwin said was brilliant, i hate these bleeding 20kb mods that add pointless things without new art or anything. God, why dont we ban noob's from making mods.

Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modLC09:44 08-05-20024
    Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modShep20:35 08-05-2002
        Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modVlad0603:16 27-05-2002
    Re: OK,now lets slowly start doing the modGotrek06:10 10-05-2002

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