> > > > i wasn't able to get 1600x1200 to work properly coz apparently the GTS can't do it. instead it seems to use 1024x768 and let the extra graphics go off the edge of the screen. yah i know i'm supposed to put error checking when setting modes.
> > > 1600 x 1200 shouldn't be a problem, even my 3dfx voodoo 3 can do it.
> > ok.
> depends on the bitdepth, I would guess.
In both 16-bit and 24/32-bit the GF should be able to handle it (it's 2d, not 3d).
> If you use 32-bits (why? unless you are doing direct assembler pixel framebuffer manipulation,
In C++ it's sometimes easier too to use 32-bit instead of 16-bit. I think XCC AV Player doesn't support 24-bit either (but I'm not sure).
> when having a bitdepth the same as the processor word size might simplify code? but surely you ought to use primatives instead of pixels, and let the 'accelerator' Geforce do the accelerating for you?) then don't expect high resolutions (especially if you have a deep z-buffer) since you are using so much framebuffer memory. On the other hand, if you use 24-bits you should get better resolutions and 16-bits is my favourite resolution (I can't tell the difference between 16 and 24 anyway).
You should be able to tell if you look at specific images, but in normal use you don't really notice it.
> But why bother with 32-bit unless you have some fancy alpha blending?
> > > > i still haven't been able to get rid of the stupid blank window opening up and trying to kill epileptics. i won't release my program like this coz i'm not a murderer.