> > > > You used a trainer in December.
> > > First, where is the proove that it was me? A game that was messed with could be detected.. but how could u posibly know that it was me?
> > http://xhp.xwis.net/xla/xtr_index.php?sid=-1042120762
> > MF detects trainers, you used MF, the trainer got detected and reported.
> > > Second U still didn't show me the proove.. Lotsa guys cheated on me man.. and i sended @ that time ( to westwood ) clearly seeing there names and mine on the screen and the fact that i was winning when they for example diconnected or Reconnection errored..when I beleaved that they be baned from westwood ( NOT ).. a great amount of reports..why don't u make a section showing these sceen shots... so we c where u base ur actions on...i know i didn't cheat.. show me how u know that I was the one cheating, please...
> > > Third what if u do NOT beleave me or u do NOT wan't to... what can i do to DESERVE the TRUST of the XCC..
> OKE???? I CANN'T UNDERSTAND HOW POSIBLY SOMEONE DID USE A TRAINER ON MY PC . But thnx for the info .... but u didn't tell me how to earn the trust back? please.. would u be kind enough to do so ?
You should register on the white list. And can't you play with another nick?
Olaf van der Spek
XCC Home Page